Saturday 23 July 2011

meeting with Terry

I've had a meeting with Terry about screen 2 and sound.

Nick has previously pointed out how a music track I'd chosen would not work for the final project. I have asked for Terry for his opinion who then discussed the issue with Nick. It seemed that there was a misunderstanding to how we were going to use the track, and Nick will use the melody/tune and experiment referencing it in the project.

Sound for screen 2 (which Terry is working on) has issues which need to be resolved. I intend to play sections of interviews with Berliners I recorded in the city. Some are in German, but I find subtitles distracting to have with the images of the clips. One idea is not to use subtitles at all, although non-German speaking audience may find the context of the work harder to understand.

Friday 22 July 2011

Mac pro, PD and the sound meeting

I have arranged to use 2 LC15 screens, and will switch from 2 Mac Minis to a Mac Pro. The decision to switch is based on the idea of controlling 2 screens with PureData, rather than to have them run independently and risk time lags which might develop over the duration of the show. I will meet Phil about PD, once the Mac Pro arrives in his office.  

I am also using an electricity cable from the wall to the column covered with a bridge to minimize risk of tripping. And 2-4 chairs.

The meeting with Nick was productive. He will take some music off and keep the sound to minimum, to pick up the subtlety of the images I have been working on, with a reference to Tacita Dean's work in Berlin.
"In constructing her narrative, Dean linked it with the passing of time, an obsession of hers; this is a meditation on the idea of transition. People arrive and leave, the waiters come and go, the sun rises and sets, the restaurant slowly changes. The visitor becomes both a spectator of and a witness to these movements, conversations and gestures." [Musée d’art de Joliette, 2011]
There an issue which I will consider based on his opinion, that  he thought the style of the track I recorded previously was not suitable to be used.

PDR - Nachbild vom Verschwinden des Palast der Republik
by Nina Fischer, Maroan el Sani
DV, video projection, colour, 1 min. loop, 2004

I am reminded, through discussions with Tom and Shaun, that my work is subtle and needs a simple display. I am struggling to decide how far I should elaborate on the column/vitrine, so that my does not sink in to the background of the room, and at the same time not overpower my clips. I hope to resolve this issue by trying out the designs in the exhibition space once I finish the clip for second screen.

Musée d’art de Joliette [2011] Tacita Dean - Fernsehturm. [Online] [21/07/2011]
Fischer, N. & El Sani, M. (2004) Nachbild vom PDR. [Online] [22/07/2011]

column ideas 2

Once I finish the screen 2 clip, I will test this idea out in the exhibition room (below). I've been stuck in thinking about various designs and feel that I need to move forward from that. 

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Screen 1 Rough 1 [with sound]

Nick has composed the soundscape for my work. I'll meet him on Thursday and discuss what should be done to it next. I've been listening to it and making notes.

column ideas

A model of a display based on suggestions by Kaavous.



back detail

I have also found a cube fish tank in the basement of college and have arranged to borrow it, as I need to test out a way it works for my project.