Friday 9 October 2009

Hyb concepts

Thursday 8 October 2009

Ideas for a Clip

Turn portrait photographs of Berliners I interviewed into a clip. Their voices can appear/dissapear, as their images do simultaniously. With what image can I end?

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Story Board for Poodle Baloon Light Bulb

We talked about the animation, and instead of my picture turning into someone else's, I had to transform someone else's picture into mine (other people had to do the same, turning other people's work into theirs). Unlike the sketch, the poodle baloon increased its weight, and I had to blow it up in order to get to my energy-saving bulb... I laughed it through, but I still don't know how instead of me zooming in, the dog gained weight.

An Energy-Saving Light Bulb Moment

I made this sketch for one of the MA group activities, which was to make a collaborative animation. We all drew a picture and had to transform our classmates picture into it. It would continue and would be looped up. I chose a light bulb because it seemed like a nice symbol for new ideas, and considering the time we live in, I better use an energy-saving one.