Tuesday 24 April 2012

"Where is the Wall?"

Where is the Wall? (2009) by Elke Sasse and Stefan Pannen.

Sasse, Elke & Pannen, Stefan [2012] Where is the Wall? [Online]
 http://www.cultureunplugged.com/play/4717/Where-is-the-Wall- [23/04/2012]

Monday 23 April 2012

Sophie Calle and Boris Mikhailov

A Sense of Mystery, an interview of Sophie Calle by Michel Guerrin, as well as Boris Mikhailov's The Wedding series and the article Back to the Basics by Helen Petrovsky.

Guerrin, Michel (2012) "Interview with Sophie Calle: A Sense of Mystery" in Foam, Spring, pp.12-18.
Petrovsky, Helen (2012) "Back to the Basics" in Foam, Spring, pp.185-188.

[Online] http://issuu.com/Foam-Magazine/docs/08-058_fm_30_preview?mode=window [06/01/2013]

"Snackpoint Charlie" sees new cold war

There's a "new cold war" at Checkpoint Charlie, between commercial and historical interests, claims Connolly (2012). Although the site has been a tourist destination than a place of reflection for some years now, new developments seems to have an emotional impact on those involved.

Connolly, Kate (2012) Checkpoint Charlie's new cold war with the hot dog vendors. [Online]
 http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/apr/22/checkpoint-charlie-hot-dog-vendors [23/04/2012]