Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Fragments of Holocaust

"I think that we can only see the Holocaust in fragments, and these fragments are individual lives and individual deaths, and this is the only measure of things." (Bałka in Davies-Crook, 2011)
Mirosław Bałka's exhibition Fragment is about the collective experiences of the Holocaust with focuses on video works. He claims that the only way to understand life is through "the consciousness of the fragments" and not in "big numbers – the ones discussed by historians" (Bałka in Davies-Crook, 2011).

Davies-Crook, Susanna (2011) Disassembling Bambi. [Online] [27/12/2011]
Vernissage TV (2011) Miroslaw Balka: Fragment at Akademie der Kunste Berlin. [Online] [28/12/2011]

Tate Channel (2009) The Unilever Series: Miroslaw Balka. [Online] [28/12/2011]
White Cube (2011) Miroslaw Balka at Akademie der Kunste, Berlin. [Online] [28/12/2011]