Saturday 1 October 2011

Cross-border Facebook friends

Peace on Facebook has created a graph based on the numbers of friend connections between people of different regions, religions and political affiliations. The image above shows connections made in regions Israel-Palestine, Albania-Serbia, India-Pakistan and Greece-Turkey (Peace on Facebook, 2011). 

Social Interactive with Facebook, UNESCO and the Stanford University Persuasive Technology Lab have created the visualisation above, using "networked technologies to transcend identity-based difference, and cultivate connectedness across conflict divides" [Social Interactive, 2011]. It is also "creating live-action video diaries" where "video stories will catalyze a powerful global outreach campaign to foster cross-conflict friendships in each region" [Social Interactive, 2011].

Peace on Facebook (2011) Friendships on Facebook [Online] [01/10/2011]
Social Interactive [2011] Friends witout Borders [Online]