Under a flight path near Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, Bryon Darby photographed every plane over 90 minutes and added them into a photograph. "Compressing an hour and a half into one apparently single moment" for Seventy Flights in Ninety Minutes, Darby recreated the experience of "living in a flight path" (Darby, 2011).
Darby also compressed images - 82 photographs captured on a motorway - to create Entire 101 Freeway Loop, 91.2 Miles in 82 Minutes, giving "a glimpse of many different times and places in a single frame" (Darby, 2011).
A method of "querying and aggregating" photographs can be seen at The Color Of, an attempt at answering "a potentially complex and abstract question in an objective manner, by using simple algorithms on data originating from subjective human perceptions" [The Color Of, 2011].
A method of "querying and aggregating" photographs can be seen at The Color Of, an attempt at answering "a potentially complex and abstract question in an objective manner, by using simple algorithms on data originating from subjective human perceptions" [The Color Of, 2011].
Darby, D. Bryon (2011) Time Frame: 82 Moments on the Freeway, in One Photo. [Online] http://www.good.is/post/time-frame/ [18/09/2011]
Darby, Bryon [2011] Commute. [Online] http://www.bryondarby.com/photos/flight-paths/ [18/09/2011]
The Color Of. http://www.thecolorof.com/#find [18/09/2011]