This is how internet sees me, apparently.
Personas "scours Internet looking for characterizing statements to use in its analysis" and visually displays it [Personas, 2010]. So according to this data analysis, internet seems I'm an arty professional, spends time online and doing sports... and it thinks I'm more into aggression than design. I did notice Personas picking up others during its processing, so perhaps there's an aggressive me out there somewhere. I take no responsibilities for his (or her) actions.
Personas "scours Internet looking for characterizing statements to use in its analysis" and visually displays it [Personas, 2010]. So according to this data analysis, internet seems I'm an arty professional, spends time online and doing sports... and it thinks I'm more into aggression than design. I did notice Personas picking up others during its processing, so perhaps there's an aggressive me out there somewhere. I take no responsibilities for his (or her) actions.
Personas was created at MIT Media Lab by Aaron Zinman, Alex Dragulescu, Yannick Assogba and Judith Donath.