Tuesday 25 May 2010

Sam Taylor-Wood, Travesty of a Mockery and Third Party

Travesty of a Mockery (1995), is a 10 minute film by Sam Taylor-Wood - who frequently uses film and photography to illustrate psychological/emotional states - portraying a man and a woman having an argument, "enacted simultaneously on two separate projected screens... each participant is isolated within his and her own screen, the borders from one to the other being crossed by thrown objects such as a glass of milk or a frying pan and, occasionally, by one of the participants, who, unable to contain their rage, launches an attack across the divide. A soundtrack of tuning into a series of different radio stations accompanies the film, seeming to articulate the switching emotional tenor of the scenario as it moves through confusion, anger, sadness and resignation" [White Cube, 2010]. 

Travesty of a Mockery
"This is one of several works in which Taylor-Wood locates her subjects in emotionally heightened or distressing situations, and then monitors their responses." [White Cube, 2010]
Third Party

The 10-minute film sequence, Third Party, is shot with 7 cameras simultaneously, is accompanied by an sound installation, and "the simultaneous presentation in the installation space asks the visitor to individually synthesize the scenario" [Württembergischer Kunstverein, in Medien Kunst Netz/Media Art Net, 2010].

Medien Kunst Netz/Media Art Net [2010] Sam Taylor-Wood, «Third Party», 1999. [Online] http://www.mediaartnet.org/works/third-party/ [24/05/2010]
White Cube [2010] Sam Taylor-Wood: Travesty of a Mockery. [Online] 
http://www.whitecube.com/exhibitions/travestyofamockery/ [24/05/2010]
WVIZPBS (2008) Brief Applause: Artist Sam Taylor-Wood. [Online]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzuWjwcqTcs [24/05/2010]

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation (2010) Sam Taylor-Wood [Online]
http://www.guggenheim.org/new-york/collections/collection-online/show-full/bio/?artist_name=Sam%20Taylor-Wood&page=1&f=Name&cr=4 [24/05/2010]
White Cube [2010] Sam Taylor-Wood. [Online]
http://www.whitecube.com/artists/taylorwood/video/37/ [24/05/2010]