Sunday 30 May 2010

Malcolm Gladwell

"Cultural legacies are powerful forces. They have deep roots and long lives. They persist, generation after generation, virtually intact, even as the economic and social and demographic conditions that spawned them have vanished, and they play such a role in directing attitudes and behaviour that we cannot make sense of our world without them." (Gladwell, in Ross, 2010)
"If no one ever bought any of my books, I would still have written exactly the same thing... I can’t tell you why they do well. I just write what I want to write, and then – very happily – lots of people seem to agree with me." (Couric, 2010)
Couric , K. (2010) @katiecouric: Malcolm Gladwell. [Online]
Ross, D. (2010) Malcolm Gladwell: I wanted to be an academic but then I realised that academics are hedgehogs and I am a fox. [Online] [30/05/2010]