Saturday 5 June 2010

Thomas Hoepker

The Magnum photographer Thomas Hoepker's work is being exhibited at Galerie Hiltawsky in Berlin. Hoepker "shaped the German magazine scene, working for the magazines such as "Stern" and "Geo", and "he was among the first with a special permit to travel freely between West and East Berlin, managing to tell the everyday life in the 'brother country' (East Germany) as realistically and impartially as possible" [Magnum Photos, 2010].

Below is a video by The Economist magazine, that shows Hoepker's still images alongside his narrative. 

EconomistMagazine (2009) Life behind the Berlin Wall. [Online]
Magnum Photos [2010] May 1 - June 19, 2010, Berlin, Germany Thomas Hoepker. [Online]

Galarie Hiltawski [2010] Thomas Hoepker: Cate. [Online] [05/06/2010]
Usuda, T. (2009) 2 Narratives by Thomas Hoepker of Magnum. [Online] [05/06/2010]