Tuesday, 1 June 2010


Trendsmap, 31st May, 2010

Trendsmap is a real-time map of Twitter trends, and it displays popular topics on Google map [PPKW Teleatlas, 2010]. The image above was captured hours after the German president Horst Köhler announced his resignation. He had previously commented on radio that the German military was deployed in Afghanistan to "protect our [German] interests, for example, free trade routes" (Köhler, in Connolly, 2010).

Connolly, K. (2010) German President Horst Köhler Quits over Afghanistan Gaffe. [Online]
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/may/31/german-president-horst-kohler-quits [01/06/2010]
PPKW Teleatlas [2010] http://trendsmap.com/ [31/05/2010]